

Glutinous rice flour "Mochi ko"
We polish glutinous rice, soak it into water, grind it, and dry it to make Glutinous rice flour.
Sometimes non-glutinous rice and starch are added. It is used for making dumplings and the dumplings are glutinous and smooth. It takes fewer steps to make glutinous rice flour when compared to the number of steps to make rice flour and it costs less. Therefore there is a huge demand for mochi flour as material for Japanese sweets especially by manufacturer.

製品識別記号(賞味期限印字が無く、製造ロット識別記号のみ印字の製品の情報)について 餅まき用投げ餅「丸餅(まるもち)」のご提案 特別栽培米について もち米加工について