

Soybean flour "kinako" / Green soybean flour "aokinako"
This flour is made of roasted soybeans. First we break the beans roughly and peel them. Then we grind them into pieces. There is also a kind of the flour that we make without peeling the beans. Usually yellow soybeans are used to make soybean flour, but the flour made of blue soybeans is called Green soybean flour "aokinako" or Bush warbler soybean flour "uguisukinako". The color is pale green and the scent of the flour is different from the yellow one. We use soybean flour for making Japanese sweets and making "abekawa mochi", a rice cake dusted with soybean flour. The flour contains starch, protein and fat and therefore is nourishing. The proteins in soybeans is certainly good in quality but hard to digest.
This problem is solved by processing soybeans, and powdered one such as soybean flour is more digestible than roasted soybeans and boiled soybeans.

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