

Arrowroot starch "Honkudzu ko"
It is starch from arrowroot (kudzu). This has the highest quality among all kinds of starch. It is usually sold with the name of the producing area.
For example, there are Yoshino-kudzu from Nara prefecture and Chikuzen-kudzu from Fukuoka prefecture.
However, there are products with the name "Kudzu flour" even though it is not made of arrowroot starch which confuses consumers.
Arrowroot starch is costly, but it is popular as material for Japanese sweets with high quality and as the material for a herb medicine.

製品識別記号(賞味期限印字が無く、製造ロット識別記号のみ印字の製品の情報)について 餅まき用投げ餅「丸餅(まるもち)」のご提案 特別栽培米について もち米加工について